“The Social Revolution in Kurdistan.”

Lecture outline:
I. A brief history of Kurdistan and the Kurdish question.
II. Dialectics of national liberation and social struggle. Participation of foreign volunteers, including European anarchists, in the fighting on the side of Kurdish guerrillas.
III. The idea of democratic confederalism and its realization in the territories controlled by the guerrillas. Self-organization of the Kurdish population on the example of Makhmur refugee camp (Iraqi Kurdistan).
Self-government system: councils of residents, specialized committees (educational, medical, etc.), courts.
Cooperative labor.
Branched social structure.
Organization of defense.
IV. Principles of organization of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), the concept of the party cadre. The paramilitary structures of the KRG. Behavioral code of Kurdish revolutionaries.
V. The women’s question in the Kurdish movement.
Information about the lecturers:
Petrov Dmitry Dmitrievich – Candidate of Historical Sciences; author of a number of scientific works on ethnography of the Russian North and publicistic articles on the Kurdish question.
Gadaeva Nina Lechievna – journalist, participant of the struggle for gender equality.
Both lecturers were in the Makhmur refugee camp (Iraqi Kurdistan) and share their personal impressions of the trip.